Tamil Birds – Different types of kuruvi – Part 1


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It was flowers than fishes and now birds. I just enjoy this googling for scientific names and getting pictures. Hope this serves as treat like the other picture posts.

Birds there are thousand species of them. I have taken a particular category called ‘Kuruvi’. Lets see what this category means

குருவி kuruvi
, n. perh. குறு-மை. 1. [M. kuruvi.] Small bird; பறவைவகை. குருவிசேர் வரை (சீவக. 2237).

So in Tamil Kuruvi means small birds. So Tamilans have named most of the small birds as kuruvi. Lets start of with the most common Kuruvi and go on to other kuruvis!


1.ஊர்க்குருவி ūr-k-kuruvi சிட்டுக்குருவி ciṭṭu-k-kuruviஅடைக்கலாங்குருவி aṭaikkalāṅ-kuruvi

Common Name: House sparrow

Latin Name:Passer Indicus

Passer Indicus – sub species of Passer domesticus

The House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) is a species of passerine bird of the sparrow family Passeridae. It is also known by the alternative vernacular names English Sparrow, Indian Sparrow, and Spatzie or Spotsie. It occurs naturally in most of Europe, the Mediterranean region, and much of Asia. It has also been intentionally or accidentally introduced to many parts of the world, making it the most widely distributed wild bird. It is strongly associated with human habitations, but it is not the only sparrow species found near houses. It is a chunky little bird, with feathers mostly different shades of brown and grey.

சிட்டுக்குருவி - House sparrow
சிட்டுக்குருவி - House sparrow




2.தூக்கணங்குருவி tūkkaṇaṅ-kuruvi, கின்னகம் kiṉṉnakam, தூதுணம் tūtuṇam

தூக்கணம் + குருவி. தொங்குங்கூடு கட்டுங் குருவிவகை.

தூக்கணம் tūkkaṇam
, n. < தூக்கு-. 1. Pendant, anything suspended; தொங்கல். (W.)

Common Name: Weaver bird,

Latin Name: Ploceus baya, Ploceus philippinus;

The Baya Weaver (Ploceus philippinus) is a weaverbird found across South and Southeast Asia. Flocks of these birds are found in grasslands, cultivated areas, scrub and secondary growth and they are best known for their hanging retort shaped nests woven from leaves. These nest colonies are usually found on thorny trees or palm fronds and the nests are often built near water or hanging over water where predators cannot reach easily. They are widespread and common within their range but are prone to local, seasonal movements mainly in response to rain and food availability.

தூக்கணங்குருவி baya weaver


தூக்கணங்குருவி baya weaver


தூக்கணங்குருவி baya weaver




3. இராப்பாடிக்குருவி irā-p-pāṭi-k-kuruvi,கொண்டலாத்தி koṇṭndalātti

பாடுங் குருவி வகை.

Common Name: Common bulbul

Latin Name: Pycnonotus haemorrhous

The Red-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer) is a member of the bulbul family of passerine birds. It is resident breeder in tropical southern Asia from India andSri Lanka east to Burma and southwestern China. It has been introduced and has established itself in the wild in many Pacific islands including Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, and Hawaii. It has also established itself in parts of Dubai, the United Arab Emirates and New Zealand. It is included among the world’s worst invasive alien species.

இராப்பாடிக்குருவி irrupatti-k-kuruvi


இராப்பாடிக்குருவி irrupatti-k-kuruvi




4. வாற்கொண்டலாத்தி var-koṇṭndalātti,இராப்பாடிக்குருவி irā-p-pāṭti-k-kuruvi

Common Name:Paradise fly-catcher

Latin Name: Tchitrea paradise,Terpsiphone paradisi

The Asian Paradise-flycatcher (Terpsiphone paradisi), also known as the Common Paradise-flycatcher, is a medium-sized passerine bird.

Asian Paradise-flycatchers inhabit thick forests and well-wooded habitats from Turkestan to Manchuria, all over India and Sri Lanka to the Malay Archipelagoon the islands of Sumba and Alor. They are migratory and spend the winter season in tropical Asia. There are resident populations in southern India, hence both visiting migrants and the locally breeding subspecies occur in these areas in winter.

வாற்கொண்டலாத்தி var-koṇṭndalātti


வாற்கொண்டலாத்தி var-koṇṭndalātti female


வாற்கொண்டலாத்தி var-koṇṭndalātti male


வாற்கொண்டலாத்தி var-konṭalātti stamp




5. கட்டுக்காடை kaṭṭukkāṭai,பாற்குருவி pāṟ-kuruvi,

Common Name: Indian Roller, Indian jay

Latin Name: Coracias indica

பாற்குருவி pāṟr-kuruvi


The Indian Roller (Coracias benghalensis), also called the Blue Jay in former times is a member of the roller family of birds. They are found in southern Asiafrom Iraq to Thailand and are best known for the aerobatic displays of the male during the breeding season. They are very commonly seen perched along roadside trees and wires and are commonly seen in open grassland and scrub forest habitats. It is not migratory, but undertakes some seasonal movements. Several states in India have chosen it as their symbol.

பாற்குருவி pāṟr-kuruvi


பாற்குருவி pāṟr-kuruvi


பாற்குருவி pāṟr-kuruvi



Different types of Kuruvi – Part 1

Different types of Kuruvi – Part 2

Different types of Kuruvi – Part 3

Different types of Kuruvi – Part 4




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Tamil Lexicon



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  1. அருமை அருமை – எங்கேயோ போயிடீங்க

  2. Reminds me of Jayakanthan’s song “Thenangitru Onjalile” from Pathai Teriyudhu Paar, sung by PBS.
    Chittukuruvi sings well..

  3. Vairam!
    No words for appreciation.

    I remember the song ‘thuukkanaang kuruvikkuudu.. immediately after seeing the bird.

    Pl. keep up the good work done. Some days ‘sariththiram pEsum’


  4. Wow…. Gr8. Ur research in tamil literature with nature is gr8…

  5. Nice post. Vaazhthukkal Vairam !

    karthik –> A great e-book. Thanks for sharing.

  6. its really superb no words to express it.since these birds are familiarly seen near my house some birds names are known to me,while not other.Today i have known all these names.Thank’s for this collections.

  7. My 19month old granddaughter very much enjoys the photos and very often wants to view these and we are complying with her wish.Thank you and request you to make available more of these and wild animals also.

  8. குருவி வகைகள்100 மேல் என்று கேள்வி எப்படி ஆனாலும் அற்புதம்

  9. அருமையான பதிவு.
    பகிர்ந்தமைக்கு நன்றி.

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